Crossword — Two-Timer — 13x13 grid

A standard-sized crossword with both quick and cryptic clues leading to the same answer. This arrangement makes solving the cryptic element far easier for beginners so it is ideal for those wanting to hone their cryptic-clue solving abilities.
Download sample puzzle- 1 x puzzle PDF
- 1 x puzzle EPS
- 1 x solution PDF
- 1 x solution EPS
- 1 x clues text file
- 1 x solution text file
Files are packaged in a ZIP archive for download.
Suggested coverage (cm2) | 228.1 |
Average completion time | 20 minutes |
Relative difficulty | Medium |
Our Two-Timer Crossword — 13x13 grid can be laid out in a number of ways to suit your space requirements. We have prepared a sample layout document for you to download.
Download sample layouts